레이블이 Fifty Shades Darker Free Online Reading인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Fifty Shades Darker Free Online Reading인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 18일 월요일

Clement Bickham 's blog ::Fifty Shades of Grey: Book One of the Fifty Shades Trilogy

Clement Bickham 's blog ::Fifty Shades of Grey: Book One of the Fifty Shades Trilogy

There               is               so               much               talk               about               going               green               today               that               is               complex               and               confusing               to               understand.

Online               there               is               the               Pickens               Plan;               which               gives               a               very               well               written               idea               about               weaning               the               U.S.

off               foreign               oil               toward               natural               gas               until               we               can               develop               alternative               fuels.

It               makes               sense.

It               is               thorough               and               very               convincing.

It               is               a               way               to               stop               sending               so               much               money               to               foreign               countries               (to               purchase               oil)               and               keep               the               cash               in               the               U.S.

We               need               to               think               about               that.

We               are               sending               our               cash               out               of               the               country.

That               isn't               good.

It               means               there               is               less               money               floating               around               the               U.S.
               The               book               Go               Green,               Live               Rich               by               David               Bach               lists               fifty               task               items               for               going               green.

Some               of               them               are               as               complex               as               ensuring               your               house               is               built               with               certain               materials               to               starting               your               own               green               business.

So               realistically,               most               people               will               not               check               off               all               fifty               items               on               the               list.

However,               we               can               learn               about               these               things               as               we               go               and               eventually               we               can               check               off               as               many               as               possible.

If               we               don't               start               our               own               green               businesses               we               can               at               least               try               and               do               business               with               green               businesses.
               Both               the               Pickens               plan               and               the               Go               Green,               Live               Rich               book               are               excellent               reads.

They               are               written               well               and               clear               enough               for               most               people               to               understand.

As               resources               for               understanding               the               whole               'green'               issue               and               solutions,               I               would               definitely               recommend               both.

The               Pickens               plan               even               has               an               explanation               that               identifies               some               of               our               economic               issues.

I'm               not               saying               'green'               is               the               solution               to               all               our               problems               but               it               is               worth               learning               about               so               that               you               can               make               informed               decisions               about               your               everyday               actions.

It               is               your               future,               your               children's               future.
               Going               green               is               important               for               our               environment.

It               seems               as               though               it's               a               fad               that               comes               and               goes               every               few               decades               but               it               does               make               a               difference.

As               a               child               I               grew               up               in               southern               California               when               the               smog               was               very               bad               from               car               and               factory               emissions.

I               lived               in               the               eastern               basin               where               the               offshore               winds               blew               in               the               smog               against               the               mountain               ranges               and               choked               the               inland               suburbs.

We               frequently               had               days               we               could               not               go               outside               during               recess               because               of               the               thick               grey               smog.

My               chest               used               to               hurt               to               breathe               deep               on               those               days.
               Many               people               don't               realize               the               Los               Angeles               basin               and               Inland               Empire               don't               have               days               like               that               anymore.

The               smog               is               nowhere               near               that               bad               anymore.

The               emissions               controls               put               in               place               have               improved               the               smog               conditions               in               that               area               and               you               don't               see               smog               like               that               in               L.A.


Granted,               there               is               still               smog               there;               but               nothing               like               it               was               back               in               the               early               seventies.

The               efforts               do               make               a               difference.

We               do               improve               things.
               In               our               country               we               have               health               issues               that               are               at               epidemic               and               pandemic               numbers               that               most               of               us               don't               realize.

Obesity               and               diabetes               are               one               example;               brought               on               probably               because               of               our               desire               to               eat               fast               food               loaded               with               unhealthy,               unnatural               stuff               in               it.

Our               autoimmune               systems               are               also               going               out               of               whack               and               we               don't               know               why               or               how               to               cure               them               but               it               appears               to               point               toward               toxic               exposures               and               cell               damage.

This               all               points               back               toward               us               eliminating               the               foreign               pollutants               and               'getting               back               to               nature'.
               Not               just               in               good               conscience               should               we               be               concerned               about               being               green,               but               for               our               own               health               and               the               health               of               our               children,               grandchildren               and               generations               to               come.
               In               a               very               general,               simplistic               explanation               of               how               to               go               green,               the               concepts               can               be               divided               into               three               categories;               Consume,               Trash               and               Buy.
               Consume               -               what               natural               resources               do               you               consume               and               could               you               conserve?

Water,               electricity,               oil,               paper,               etc.

Could               you               do               more               online               and               use               less               paper?

My               grandfather               used               to               collect               junk               mail               and               draft               paper,               cut               it,               staple               it               together               and               make               note               pads               for               phone               messages               using               the               back               of               the               papers.

Could               you               use               less               water?

Water               the               yard               less               maybe               and               do               only               full               loads               of               laundry.

Shorter               showers               or               perhaps               baths.

Shut               off               more               lights               and               unplug               unused               appliances?

Lower               watt               bulbs,               use               shut               off               timers,               lower               the               thermostat,               open               windows               instead               of               a/c,               use               fans               to               circulate               heat               or               a/c,               open               shades               for               sunny               windows               to               help               heat               rooms               or               close               them               to               help               keep               cool.

Use               more               efficient               automobiles?

Purchase               a               hybrid               as               your               next               vehicle               maybe?

Get               rid               of               an               old               muscle               car?

So               evaluate               what               you               consume               and               see               if               there               are               areas               you               can               improve               on.
               Trash               -               what               are               you               throwing               away               and               is               it               biodegradable?

Do               you               recycle?

Do               you               have               a               place               to               take               your               recycle               items?

What               items               can               you               recycle?

Cans,               glass,               plastic,               paper,               wood,               cloth,               metal??

Where               does               your               trash               go?

Find               out               what               your               trash               service               does               with               the               trash               they               pick               up.

Some               sort               and               recycle,               some               just               dump               in               a               landfill,               etc.

It's               important               to               know               where               your               trash               goes               and               what               happens               to               what               you               are               throwing               away.

Do               you               have               a               compost               container?

Should               you?

Could               you               reduce               the               amount               of               plastic               containers               you               throw               away?

Maybe               get               a               water               filter               instead               of               buying               bottled               water.

Glass               instead               of               plastic.

Reuse               containers               -               my               grandparents               always               kept               the               glass               containers               and               used               them               to               store               everything               from               food               to               nails               in               the               garage.

Any               container               that               came               home               from               the               grocery               store               had               potential               for               reuse.

Buy               the               reusable               store               bags;               they               are               stronger               than               the               plastic               ones               anyway.

Are               you               polluting               the               air,               water,               ground               with               your               car,               lawn               mower,               fertilizers,               bug               sprays,               house               paints,               etc?

Look               at               all               the               areas               of               trash               you               generate.
               Buy               -               are               you               buying               natural               products               and               cleaners               or               things               that               are               good               for               the               environment?

Are               you               buying               from               companies               that               operate               efficiently               and               with               'green'               factories               or               are               they               polluting               the               environment               overseas?

Know               who               you               do               business               with.

You               don't               need               to               be               doing               all               these               green               efforts               at               home               only               to               be               supporting               a               company               that               is               thwarting               them               tenfold               overseas               with               a               factory               that               is               pumping               thick               black               smoke               into               the               air               and               polluting               the               water               because               they               have               no               regulations.

We               need               to               boycott               those               companies               so               that               they               will               abide               by               green               standards               in               order               to               stay               in               business.

The               environment               is               important               to               all               of               us.
               We               need               to               purge               ourselves               of               toxins.

You               wouldn't               willingly               feed               yourself               these               things               if               you               could               see               them               in               a               glass.

Become               educated               and               understand               what               is               there               that               you               cannot               see.

Know               what               you               are               consuming.

Know               what               you               might               be               eating               or               drinking               inadvertently.

It               can               and               will               affect               you               eventually.

Be               smart               about               it               now.

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    Clement Bickham 's blog ::Fifty Shades of Grey – Book and Lifestyle Discussion

    Clement Bickham 's blog ::Fifty Shades of Grey – Book and Lifestyle Discussion

    I               have               heard               all               the               hype               about               Fifty               Shades               of               Grey               for               quite               some               time,               and               I               finally               decided               to               break               down               and               download               the               book               to               my               Kindle.

    After               shelling               out               ten               dollars,               and               determining               that               this               book               better               be               good,               I               started               reading               it.

    I               have               to               admit               that               I               didn't               give               the               book               much               time               to               rest,               as               it               was               in               my               hands               most               of               the               time,               which               will               attest               to               the               fact               that               obviously               I               didn't               think               it               was               horrible,               but               I               am               a               bit               disappointed               in               several               aspects               of               the               book.

    I               enjoy               the               idea               behind               a               clumsy,               average               girl               falling               in               love               with               her               prince               Charming,               but               the               characters               are               a               little               unbelievable.

    The               main               character,               Anastasia,               is               not               very               developed               in               that               she               is               the               stereotypical               "clutzy               virgin               who               just               happens               to               fall               in               love               with               Mr.

    Perfect."               She               goes               from               an               average,               innocent               girl,               to               a               bondage               sex               goddess               and               expert               at               oral               sexual               gratification               in               a               little               under               a               month.

    Perfect,               also               known               as               Christian               Grey,               is               a               little               too               fairytale               prince,               as               well.

    He               is               a               self-made               billionaire               (yes,               I               said               Billionaire...with               a               helicopter               and               personal               jet)               at               27               years               old,               has               super               sexy               eyes               and               face,               perfect               body,               large               penis,               is               extraordinarily               generous,               rarely               works,               feeds               the               hungry               in               Darfur,               while               also               has               time               to               stalk               Ana.
                   Also,               the               setting               is               in               America,               yet               it               is               quite               apparent               that               the               author               is               not               American,               since               she               calls               her               vagina               her               sex               and               uses               various               other               terms               that               the               average               American               would               never               use.

    The               sex               seems,               although               are               a               bit               erotic               in               some               places,               are               pretty               repetitive               and               almost               comical.

    As               I               was               reading               the               book,               I               felt               a               little               strange               because               it               seems               like               a               pre-pubescent               teen               is               writing               about               sex,               since               almost               every               page               seems               to               have               the               phrase               "crap,"               or               "double               crap"               and               "he               is               so               hot"               in               his               white,               unbuttoned               shirt               and               jeans.

    I               will               admit               that               I               will               also               read               book               two,               but               just               be               aware               that               the               book               lacks               a               little               to               be               desired               in               these               areas.
                   The               writing               is               grammatically               poor               and               juvenile,               but               the               storyline               is               fun               and               it               is               an               interesting               read               as               long               as               you               aren't               expecting               a               literary               classic.

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