레이블이 Christian Grey Fifty Shades Movie인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Christian Grey Fifty Shades Movie인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 12월 2일 월요일

About 'from fifty shades of grey'|5 Extraordinary Sex Tips for Women from ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’

About 'from fifty shades of grey'|5 Extraordinary Sex Tips for Women from ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’

               Each               and               every               year               I               rack               my               brain               to               come               up               with               a               totally               unique               and               creative               homemade               Halloween               costume,               not               for               my               four               year               old               daughter,               but               for               myself               rather!

I               usually               nab               ideas               right               from               the               headlines               and               this               year               will               be               no               different.

And               with               the               wave               of               popularity               surrounding               E.L.

James'               Fifty               Shades               of               Grey               series,               this               Halloween's               costume               theme               was               clear.
               Well,               not               totally               clear               from               the               start.

As               I               thought               about               a               Fifty               Shades               costume               several               ideas               crossed               my               mind.

At               first               I               considered               dressing               the               part               with               a               demure               dress,               handcuffs               dangling               from               one               hand               and               a               gray               tie               dangling               from               the               other.

But               then               I               decided               on               a               more               literal               approach.
               While               roaming               the               aisles               of               my               local               home               improvement               store               the               idea               hit               me               like               a               ton               of               bricks.

I               decided               to               "borrow"               fifty               shades               of               gray               paint               color               swatches.

Believe               it               or               not               the               color               gray               comes               in               dozens               of               shades.

So               I               paid               a               visit               to               the               nearby               Home               Depot               and               Menards               and               obtained               enough               paper               color               paint               samples               to               complete               my               costume……for               free.
               I               cut               out               each               shade               of               gray               and               numbered               them               from               one               through               fifty               with               a               black               marker.

Next,               I               will               dress               myself               in               all               gray:               a               gray               sweatshirt               and               gray               leggings.

Then               I               plan               to               safety               pinned               each               shade               of               gray               to               the               front               of               my               sweatshirt.


Fifty               Shades               of               Grey!

And               to               add               a               cute               detail,               I               ironed               on               letters               to               the               back               of               my               sweatshirt               that               said               simply,               "laters               baby."

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    2013년 11월 25일 월요일

    About 'fifty shades of grey on'|Review: Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James

    About 'fifty shades of grey on'|Review: Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James

                   The               book               series               that               is               taking               women               by               storm               is               a               novel               by               E.L               James               called               "Fifty               Shades               of               Grey".

    Some               call               it               pornographic,               for               it               is               filled               with               lots               of               sex.

    Most               of               it               is               non-traditional               sex.

    The               huge               draw,               however,               for               most               women               is               the               element               of               dominance               and               submission               that               fills               the               novel.

    Christian               Grey               is               the               dominant,               successful               man               who               takes               naïve               Anastasia               by               storm,               rocking               her               world               in               a               way               that               she               had               never               anticipated.

    The               book               is               filled               with               bondage,               blindfolds,               and               spankings.

    Sound               delicious?
                   To               the               women               who               have               made               the               series               a               bestseller               on               the               "New               York               Times"               bestseller               list,               the               books               are               delicious               indeed.

    To               those               who               simply               don't               understand               the               attraction,               the               book               seems               to               glamorize               abuse.

    So               what               is               the               attraction?

    Why               do               millions               of               women               long               to               be               dominated               sexually?
                   Here               are               a               few               ideas               that               come               to               my               mind:
                   -Women               are               tired               of               wimpy               men.

    What               they               fail               to               realize,               however,               is               that               these               wimpy               men               are               the               direct               result               of               the               women's               movement.

    As               women               have               become               more               powerful               in               every               aspect               of               their               lives,               men               have               become               confused               as               to               what               their               roles               really               are.

    In               a               sense,               they               have               been               displaced.

    Men               are               often               damned               if               they               do               and               damned               if               they               don't.

    They               must               walk               a               fine               line               between               power               and               weakness.

    Women               want               men               to               be               sensitive,               but               not               too               sensitive.

    Women               want               men               to               help               them               out               around               the               house               as               long               as               it               is               to               their               specifications.
                   -Woman               are               tired               of               being               in               control.

    Women               are               reaping               what               they               sown               when               they               asked               for               more               power,               more               opportunity,               and               more               control               in               this               world.

    They               have               gotten               exactly               what               they               were               looking               for.

    As               a               result,               they               are               finding               that               something               is               missing.

    What               is               missing               is               that               feeling               that               comes               from               being               taken               care               of.

    There               is               something               inherently               sexy               about               being               vulnerable               to               a               man               who               wants               nothing               more               than               to               possess               you.

    How               many               times               have               you               fantasized               about               being               pushed               up               against               a               wall               and               ravished               by               a               man?

    How               many               times               have               you               fantasized               about               being               controlled?

    No               matter               how               much               your               intellectual               self               wants               to               protest               against               the               feeling,               you               have               to               admit               that               there               is               something               very               sexy               about               a               man               who               is               strong,               confident,               and               wants               to               make               all               of               the               decisions.

    There               is               something               very               sexy               about               having               no               control               in               a               sexual               situation.

    Rape               fantasies               are               common               among               women.

    Fantasies               involving               bondage               are               also               common.
                   Bondage               can               come               in               the               form               of               rope,               wrist               or               ankle               restraints,               or               by               being               told               not               to               move.

    This               type               of               mental               bondage               is               very               intense               because               it               takes               a               lot               of               mental               determination               to               not               move               when               your               limbs               have               the               capability               to               do               so.

    To               hear               a               man               whispering               in               your               ear               "Don't               move.

    Close               your               eyes               and               just               feel"               is               a               very               intense,               sexual               feeling               that               is               addictive.
                   Spanking               can               be               very               sexual.

    There               are               many               nerve               endingS               in               the               buttocks               that               can               serve               to               heighten               sexual               pleasure.

    Spanking               can               help               a               person               truly               "feel"               in               ways               she               has               never               felt               before.
                   So               is               this               type               of               relationship               abusive?

    That               depends               on               one               word.

    That               word               is               simply               "choice".

    If               you               are               choosing               to               give               up               your               power               to               a               man,               then               you               are               not               being               abused.

    If,               on               the               other               hand,               you               are               giving               up               your               power               due               to               coercion,               threats,               or               fear…then               you               are               not               choosing               to               give               up               your               control.

    The               dominant               is               taking               control.

    Taking               control               is               abusive.
                   So               where               does               that               put               the               rape               fantasy?

    A               question               I               struggle               with               myself.

    I               have               my               own               rape               fantasy.

    It               involves               me               walking               on               a               beach               at               night               all               alone.

    At               some               point               a               man               in               the               distance               is               walking               toward               me.

    He               has               long               dark               hair,               and               is               wearing               tight               dark               pants               and               a               white               shirt               with               sleeves               that               are               billowing               in               the               breeze.

    He               has               no               face.

    He               walks               up               to               me               and               begins               kissing               me…and               dominating               me.

    He               pushes               me               to               the               sand               and               has               his               way               with               me.

    I               am               not               "willing"               as               one               would               think               of               willing.

    Still,               there               is               a               part               of               me               that               wanted               it               and               needed               it.

    Does               this               mean               that               I               want               to               be               raped?


    It               simply               means               that               I               have               a               fantasy               of               being               dominated.
                   The               women               who               read               "Fifty               Shades               of               Grey"               are               finding               that               they               are               hungering               for               the               kind               of               relationship               that               the               book               speaks               of.

    Some               women               are               introducing               a               bit               of               BDSM               into               their               marriages               and               finding               great               success.

    If               the               results               are               positive,               then               that               is               all               that               really               matters.

    Perhaps               it               is               time               for               women               to               come               to               an               acceptance               of               their               need               to               be               dominated               sexually.

    Consensual               domination               is               the               ultimate               sexual               experience.


    James               seems               to               realize               this.

    It               is               time               for               more               women               to               open               themselves               to               this               experience               and               find               fulfillment               in               a               new               way.

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